Our Vision
Our vision is to be a Christian community that loves, lifts, and leads diverse people to experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. We will also seek to help people discover and develop their God given potential, that they may live an abundant life. Our vision is to also become a center of family and community life, providing spiritual guidance through relevant ministry, missions, and partnerships.
In addition, it is the vision of the New Hope Church to own a brand-new state of the art worship center that will sufficiently house the present ministries and others that are soon to follow in this new age. A brand-new state of the art sanctuary, fellowship hall, office space, class rooms and conference rooms. In addition, a family life center for the community which will house a day care center, tutorial program, computer center, exercise and weight room, gymnasium and a playground.
Our Mission
Our mission at New Hope is to make disciples, bringing them into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Engaging believers through free spirited worship, outreach, study, and fellowship. Offering new hope, in a new day, for a new life. Ephesians 1:18 (ESV) “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you.”
As a feature of our Mission, “We, [New Hope Church] are committed to loving God and being obedient to His Commandments.
We actively encourage fervent prayer, church and family unity, and Community service. We seek to actualize our mission through Evangelism, Christian Education, Stewardship and Discipleship. Critical objectives of our mission:
- To equip the membership for service through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word
- To inspire the downhearted
- To provide relief to the destitute, to assist with healing the mind, the soul and the body
- To conduct outreach ministry in the community
- To provide leadership
- To guide lost souls to Christ to establish and maintain a spiritual environment where all people feel welcomed and love
Our Beliefs
Welcome to the beliefs section of our website! Here, you will find an overview of the core beliefs that guide and inform our church community. Our beliefs shape our worship and ministry as a church, and we invite you to learn more about them as you explore this page.